Thursday, March 8, 2012


People have complimented me on my patience before, which makes me think either: a) I am a much better actress than I thought or b) Those people lie.

I'm having a hard time right now with the small stuff - mainly trying to convince myself that it is small and to just move on. For example - in January the Captain was driving my car when someone rear ended him. Of course, the most important thing is that everyone was alright. I was upset about the damage, but that's what insurance is for, right? Except the girl who hit him didn't have insurance. Fortunately we have coverage for uninsured drivers, but the whole process has been something I shouldn't have had to deal with.

The damage was bad enough that it took almost two weeks to get repaired, combined with the month it took arguing with insurance companies and I was without my car for six weeks. I finally got it back last week and it was dirty. Mechanic handprints on the dash and dust on the seats. When I went to pick it up AG was asleep and transferring her from the rental car to my car woke her up and put her in a very bad mood (screaming and crying actual tears- very unlike my usually calm child). Needless to say I threw my credit card at them and ran out the door.

One of the pre-child notions I had was how nice it would be to have all this time to run errands. When you factor in meals and naps, right now that gives us a few (usually non-consecutive) hours to get everything done, and most things take about twice as long as they would without a soon to be toddler. Simply dropping off a damaged car and getting a rental car shouldn't take up three hours...unless of course you have to make car seat transfers into three different vehicles.

The really bad thing is that I have now found more things that the repair company failed to do - and these will require another trip to their shop to fix them. I hate wasting this much of my time over other peoples carelessness. I keep repeating to myself that this is just stuff. AG wasn't in the car when the accident happened. Other than being a little sore, the Captain wasn't seriosuly injured. We have the money to fix the car, even if I would have certainly rather spent it on something (anything) else. I'm just having trouble shaking it off for some reason. I think the worst part is rationally I know how lucky we are and how minor this all is, but I'm still find myself being so annoyed with the whole situation, and then frustrated at myself for not being able to let the little things go.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This past weekend AG was baptized at our church. It was one of those perfect days when everything just seemed to come together and work out (which seem to be rare in my life recently). It seemed fitting that such a special occasion be so lovely and sweet, like this little girl.

We had everyone back to our house afterwards, and I got a mini rehearsal for AG's birthday party in a few weeks.

Currently I'm knee deep in everything pink and green, and now there is talk of a pony - heaven help us all.