Monday, September 26, 2011

A Weight-y Issue

Most women I know would rather tell you their bank balance than what the what their bathroom scale reads. (Who wants to see my checkbook? 'Cause that number on the scale is not going to be written down for all eternity to read.) Yeah.  I have struggled with my weight off and on my entire life. I've never been officially "overweight" (ok, maybe once, shortly, but that's a story for another day) but I have definitely had times that I have been less than comfortable with that number on the scale. Now is one of them.

I haven't been one of those women who magically lost all of their baby weight before they left the hospital (who are these women?! Wait, don't tell me. I might try and eat their cookies.). AG is now six months old and I still have eight pounds to go to hit pre-pregnancy weight, and they don't seem to be budging. I'm 5'4 - that's a lot for me. Once I lose that I have five more to go until I'm back to where I want to be. You see, even though my plan (ha!) was to be at my lowest weight/best shape when I got pregnant, it didn't happen. I'd put on five or so pounds of the "happy weight". For me, the expression fat and happy is more than an expression. It's more a motto for my thighs. Whenever I am the happiest in life I always eat more; conversely stress makes me lose weight. I love to cook and cooking makes me happy..So if I'm skinny, you better ask me what's wrong. I was happy and content that we were starting to plan for a baby. Hello eclair, goodbye elleptical. And so I find myself with 10-15 pounds to lose, four outfits I can wear, and fall right ahead of us. I flatly refuse to buy any more clothes when I have a closet full of clothes that I can't fit into. (I will however shop because there are pretty things in J Crew again. Finally.  We were on a break but they seem to have come to their senses.) I just have to find the motivation to do something about the extra weight so I can shop for sizes that I like.

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