Friday, September 30, 2011

Six months!

In vintage, circa 1981
To my sweet AG,

I can't believe that you are six months old already! I look back and wish that I had been doing these each month - somehow it feels like we just brought you home from the hospital and at the same time its already hard to imagine the early days where we rarely left the house. You go everywhere with me now; we run errands, go visit friends and family, go on play dates and to story time at the library.

You have grown and changed so much already. You just started sitting up on your own, and almost overnight you went from not being able to sit unassisted to pulling yourself up to sit and staying that way! You are so proud of that too - you often wake up in the middle of the night just to sit up. It's almost as if you are making sure you can still do it so you don't forget overnight. Now that you have sitting up mastered, you have started pulling yourself up on everything (and everyone!). I know that you are going to be moving soon too since you already try and scoot across the floor. Time to baby proof!

You are the sweetest, most mellow baby I have ever seen. Everyone is always commenting on how sweet and happy you are. You can go all day without a nap (not for my lack of trying!) and still have that sweet happy smile. You smile at everyone, and your Daddy says that you have never met a stranger. You have almost outgrown your six month clothes. You weigh 16lbs 12oz and are 26 3/4 inches long.

You have brought such happiness to our lives - for only being with us six months, it feels as if you have been with us forever. I love you, my sweet girl.
Your Mama

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