Sunday, October 30, 2011

Seven Months

Happy Seven Months AG!

You are still my sweet little girl. More and more of your personality is starting to come through, and I think you might have a little spice to go with all of the sugar we've seen.   You think everything is wonderful and exciting, except for solid foods. You have tried rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes and plums. You didn't like the bananas, and you really didn't like the plums!


You are turning into a true social butterfly. We have play dates at the park and the zoo, and you charm everyone you meet. You love to ham for the camera, and you grin every time I try to take your picture (which is often!). If you are starting to get a little fussy for any reason, once you notice someone new around you turn on the charm and quickly become happy again.

Your first teeth are starting to come through on the bottom. It went from one, to two, then four very quickly! Once you sat up on your own everything has happened even faster. You started pulling up right after you turned six month and crawling the week after that. No one believed you could crawl yet until I put you on the ground with your Daddy's iPad at the other end of the room!

You weigh 17 lbs and are wearing nine month clothes and size three diapers.  You still don't have much hair, but I can see where its slowly starting to grow on the back of your head.  That's ok with me though - I tell everyone that you are using all of your energy to grow your brain and hair can wait!

Your Daddy and I love you more and more every day, sweet girl.

Your Mama

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